A new memoir from a female sommelier is coming out this week, “Cellar Rat: My Life in the Restaurant Underbelly,” by Hannah Selinger. Thanks to the publisher, Little, Brown & Company, for gifting me an advance reading copy via NetGalley. The author shares her experiences in restaurants, both as a server and eventually as a sommelier, in New York City ...
The Herbfarm Restaurant in Woodinville, Washington is legendary. I’ve had the privilege of eating there just once, during the Christmas holiday season a couple years ago – what a fabulous experience! It’s on the grounds of Willows Lodge. I’m excited to share with you that Skyhorse Publishing is coming out with “The Spirit of the Herbfarm Restaurant: A Cookbook and ...
We’re excited to get our hands on a copy of “Wine Club” (via Amazon; affiliate link) when it comes out in May 2023. It’s a month-by-month guide to hosting a wine club for friends. The year begins off in January with a Cabernet Sauvignon focus; and goes all the way through December, with a guide to hosting bubbly parties. This ...
We’d love to have you join us in our cozy private Facebook group this autumn as we read and discuss two wine and alcohol books coming out in Autumn 2021! In November, we’ll read “You Had Me at Pet-Nat,” by Rachel Signer Shop for this book on Amazon (affiliate link) In December, we’ll read “Girly Drinks: A World History of ...
Take a sneak peek at some of the intriguing wine-related books coming out this fall! We’re adding several to our reading lists and home libraries for sure. The Booklovers’ Guide to Wine intrigues me with its history of the connections between wine and literary figures such as Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. I love the idea of literary-themed wine and ...
I ran over to Purple Cafe Bellevue today to pick up my takeout lunch (Cream of sherry mushroom soup and their Greek & Grains salad). While waiting to pay, I noticed their stack of Cook + Cork books for sale, some autographed. I’m a huge fan of Purple Cafe restaurants and meant to buy this when it came out last ...