Lunch with Valerie at Purple Cafe

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One day last week I invited my friend Valerie to lunch and wine tasting here in Woodinville. I love having friends with flexible schedules who can take time off from studying to spend a little time with me on an otherwise dull rainy day!

Valerie hadn’t been to Purple Cafe in a long time, and I was secretly delighted she picked one of my personal favorite places to have lunch on the Eastside!

Valerie had never tried the gorgonzola dates, so I bossily ordered them and made her try them. I think I got her hooked on them. I hope she isn’t cursing me when she wakes up in the middle of the night dreaming about tasting them again!

Valerie knew we were going wine tasting right after this, but couldn’t resist ordering a glass of Malbec from Maison Georges Vigouroux from Purple Cafe’s extensive wine menu. Judging by the really big smile on her face, I think she was happy with her decision! As her designated driver, I settled for iced tea.

We both wanted something from the comfort food family, and Valerie, after a long painful internal debate, was able to settle on the Lobster Macaroni and Cheese. It was so rich and filling, I think I remember that she had to take a small container home to enjoy later after her post-wine-tasting nap.

The seasonal special was  called Parisian Gnocchi. I was delighted they could make it vegetarian for me by simply not including the meat (was it bacon? I forget!)

The sauce was incredibly rich and creamy, no doubt containing New Year’s Resolution-defeating amounts of butter and cream. You can see the shaved parmesan gently floating on the top, too! I ate every last bit and wished I could wipe the plate with my Purple Cafe bread without committing a breach of manners.

Next time you’re looking for a tasty lunch while catching up on gossip with a good friend,  I recommend Purple Cafe!



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